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A Day in the Life of a Mumbai Music Teacher: Behind the Scenes of Home Visit Lessons

January 18, 2025/

Mumbai, the city of dreams, has a rhythm of its own. Amidst the hustle and bustle of local trains, honking taxis, and crowded streets, there exists a unique subset of professionals who bring melody to the lives of its inhabitants: music teachers. For those who offer home visit lessons, their…

The Benefits of Learning Music at Any Age: Why It’s Never Too Late to Start

December 27, 2024/

Music is often thought of as an activity reserved for children, with many people believing that they have missed their chance to learn an instrument by the time they reach adulthood. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Whether you’re 10, 30, 50, or beyond, it’s never too late…

Striking a Chord: The Benefits of Online Music Classes for Aspiring Musicians

November 9, 2024/

In today’s digital age, learning an instrument or advancing your musical skills has never been more accessible. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced musician looking to hone your craft, online music classes offer a wealth of opportunities. With the ability to learn from anywhere, at any time, and…

Music and Mental Health: How Learning an Instrument Can Boost Your Well-being

September 6, 2024/

In recent years, mental health awareness has gained significant traction, with more people realizing the importance of taking care of their mental and emotional well-being. Among the various activities known to improve mental health, learning an instrument stands out as a powerful and transformative tool. Music has long been associated…

Music Education: Fostering Social Skills and Cultural Awareness

June 29, 2024/

1. Collaboration and Teamwork: Music education often involves participating in ensembles, bands, orchestras, or choirs. Working together with others towards a common goal fosters collaboration and teamwork. Students learn how to listen to and blend with others, follow a conductor or leader, and contribute to a harmonious and unified performance.…

DEY’Z MUSIC: Nurturing musical aspirations with expert instruction, diverse classes, and a vibrant community, igniting creativity through harmonious melodies.


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